Here are a few ways to help you live a good life –
1- Slow Down Your Pace
Are you always in a rush? If you are, then you need to slow down your pace to appreciate the moments of life.
You need to know that there is a difference between working hard and working smart, between getting things done, and getting them done effectively.
Take a break to live your life – you deserve it! 
Remember, work done in haste and urgency will reduce your accuracy, awareness, and happiness. You need to know how to be stay focused and do what is required.
2- Nurture Your Relationships
A fulfilling and happy life is a life that you share with your family and friends. Bond with your loved ones and foster your relationships.
Spend time with your parents, children, family, and friends. Let go of negative friendships and those who pull you down.
Instead, surround yourself with positive people who inspire and motivate you.
Take out time from your busy life to create memories. They are the only things that remain with you, nothing else. Don’t forget to criticize less and appreciate more.
Store them in your journals if you have one, and you could even capture the moments by taking pictures and putting them up.
3- Learn to Forgive And Forget
I know this is a tough thing to do for most people, but it is the only way to overcome your pain and lead a good life ahead.
Forgive those who hurt you. Face and accept the pain and hurt, but then need to let them go. This is a big way you heal yourself. Once you do that, you will see wonderful things entering your life.
4- Live Life Fully
Be self-sufficient as that gives you the maximum freedom to live life fully. Learn about different things in life, that it is better than mastering just one!
“The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead.” ~ Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Travel far and visit different places that will widen your horizons. Meet new people and make new contacts, and just be there enjoying life!
5- Focus on Your Passions
Be passionate about your endeavors, which are your true wealth. Be clear about where you want to go by focusing on your goals.
However, be flexible and resilient if things do not go your way or your plans don’t shape the way you thought they would.
Make decisions that add meaning to your life. By following general time management tips, you can achieve success.
“Find your focus by seeking all that is good in your life.” ~ Lorii Myers
6- Help Others
Never forget to help others as that brings you happiness and satisfaction in life. It could be your family or friends. Remember, what goes around comes around. That is Karma.
Care for the sick and injured, and do volunteer work. Make a difference to someone’s life – that would be a life worth living.
Always try to help and do more for others than what you would do for yourself. Put them ahead of you.
Small things like opening a door for someone, giving your seat to an elder, or wishing someone matters.
7- Remain Positive
Life has it’s down moments, but you need to overcome the negativity and remain positive. Don’t worry about things that you cannot control.
Learn to own up to your actions and be responsible for them.
If you promise something to someone, ensure you keep your promise. Also, smile and laugh more than you do now, a good reminder for all of us, isn’t it?
8- Do Not Try To Be Perfect
More than achieving perfection look for satisfaction at the end of the day. Lower your expectations, it causes less frustration and makes life less complicated, and you are able to lead a happy one too.
Plan your day and take small steps to achieve your goals one after the other. It doesn’t have to be a perfect plan – just a rough sketch of all that you need to get done.
“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.” ~ John Lennon
Strive for a more purposeful and happy life. Use your senses to look at people without judging them. See them with compassion, kindness, and love.
9- Lead A Healthy Lifestyle
You are what you eat, so eat clean and healthy food. Look after yourself by taking time to exercise and sleep well. Remember, a tired mine is unhappy and inefficient.
If you sleep in time, you can get up early, and the early hours are the most productive ones. You can get the maximum done if you are an early bird like me. 
You might like to read my post about – What Stops You From Living A Healthy Lifestyle.
Take up some hobbies like playing games that enhance your skills instead of sitting indoors watching TV or keeping busy with work. Try out meditation, yoga, listen to music, and just unwind.
You need to find the right work-life balance that suits you.
10- Enjoy Life’s Moments
Take out time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life. All the good things in life are free – so, enjoy and value them.
Be mindful of your surroundings. Appreciate simple things like the sunrise and sunset, the lakeside view, spending time in nature, raindrops falling, or anything that life puts forth you.
Not to mention the warmth of a hug or touch, a smile, a kiss, and just anything you are grateful for being in your life.
Right NOW is the only moment that is guaranteed to you – this is your life, don’t miss living it!
“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” ~ Omar Khayyan
11- Never Stop Learning
Gather all the information you can to be happy in your life, learn to love without conditions, and never stop leaning empirically.
It could be through reading books, magazines, online sites and blogs, or just about anything, that increases your knowledge.
Take risks, take chances, because that is how you will know you have lived a life the way you wanted, and that life would be so worth it.
Try something new often because following a routine becomes boring at times. Life becomes interesting when you have something new to do and think about.
It could be a new big activity or a small one like talking to a new friend. Anything that helps you learn something new is good. So, go ahead and try it out 
“The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” ~ Bertrand Russell
12- Love Some More
Love, love, love, and when you are feel you have nothing left – go ahead and love some more! You never lose anything by loving others. 
Love your family and spend time with them because they are the people who really matter. Just go ahead and do it! A life unloved isn’t worth it. Love the life you live because you live just once!
13- Accept And Adapt To Change
I’ve written often about adapting to change because I believe change is constant. So, instead of being unhappy about the change that comes to your life, adjust to it.
If you come across failures, doesn’t matter. It might hurt initially, but look to the positive aspect of it.
Each failure teaches you something in return and makes you stronger, and takes you towards success.
You might ask whether you should change your life or not. If you are happy with the way things are, then don’t, or else go ahead – change and make it better. 
Any good change can open better opportunities for you, provided you are willing to accept it.
14- Learn To Give
There is great joy in giving. The more you give, the more you receive. Even if you don’t get back anything in return, at least you know you have done a good deed.
It could be through charity, donation, or just by helping people by your services towards them. Just go ahead and start spreading joy by giving.
15- Just Be Yourself
You are you and no one else, so don’t try to copy someone to please others. You don’t have to do that, nor will you be able to do it for long.
Just be who you are and people will love you for that, and you too will get to know your real friends from the fake ones this way. Pave your path and follow your heart.
Believe in yourself and your abilities – sky is the limit for you. Listening to others is alright, but you need to eventually do what you believe in and whatever your vision is.
“Your definition of a good life does not have to look like everyone else thinks it should. Whatever feels right for you, whatever aligns your inside with your outside, that’s what you should spend your time doing.” ~ G.G. Renee Hill
I would simply say that living a good and happy life is being happy with all that you have. Yes, pursue your dreams, don’t stop doing that, but keep enjoying the moments in life.
I hope you are ALL geared to start living a more meaningful life after reading this post.
Remember, it is YOUR life – so make it a good one! 
Over to you –
What does a good and meaningful life mean to you? Do you know how to lead a good life and be happy? Share in the comments below...
Good...this is lovely