Monday 5 May 2014

Six (6) Traits That All Leaders Should Have

1). Listen ("L")

These days, I found it rather easy to see others (managers, supervisors, and even leaders) choose to become defensive the moment when they hear from others' perspectives as if they have been waiting for the very moment. To understand others better, we have to listen to them and understand their position. In addition, we have to ask questions with inquiring mind rather than asking questions for testing purposes for their knowledge, experience or expertise.

Please ensure you actually listen to what others have to say about as a manager or a CEO.

2). Empathy ("E")

When you get a chance to talk to your insubordinates, do you mutually feel the pain? Do you try to understand what is in their mind as well as where they are coming from? Do you carefully listen hard to others' perspectives and try to understand instead of ignoring their views/perspectives? Otherwise, do you tend to dismiss what you are hearing about from others?

To manage or lead others, we have to know and feel what others want so that you can build trust for them to follow you. Building trust may/can take years, but losing it may take few seconds or even shorter.

3). Accountable ("A")

As a manager or a CEO, are you accountable for decisions you have made? Do you also apply similar standards to others when you hold them accountable? Do you blame others for their action even if you have provided guidance and direction to them?

Are you ready, willing and able to hold yourself accountable?

4). Demonstrate ("D")

Do you generally ask others to do tasks or command others to do such tasks without showing them what/why/how to do things with? Can you or do you provide clear, definite direction or guidance when you are asked about the tasks?

When others get frustrated, can you show how to do things with efficiently and effectively? In business situations, we should no longer get caught up by an ego-driven pursuit of our life.

We should be able to show "HOW."

5). End ("E")

When it comes to ending business or employment matters, do you ensure when and how to legitimately end business-relationships or employment matters? Please be aware how you end your business and employment matters will significantly change the outcomes - either positively closing the matters soon or opening a can of worms (serious adverse consequences). When you are about to ponder ending deals, negotiations, employment relationships, etc., how to end any of such matters should be carefully considered, planned and executed in a justifiable matter while minimizing any potential damages to others involved.

6). Reasonable ("R")

In all business and employment matters, reasonableness should be exercised. Have you established and been following your rules and procedures including applicable laws and regulations in a justifiable manner? Under all surrounding circumstances, do you choose to act in a reasonable manner? Decisions made in a reasonable manner can lead to positive results/outcomes without inviting unintended consequences.

David Lim

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