Tuesday 29 April 2014

60 Signs You Might Be An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are always seen as people with unique features or people who sees opportunity in virtually everything that comes their way. Their unique ways of doing things makes it a point of necessity to study the possible signs that shows when a person is likely going to be an entrepreneur.
I have had my doubts about some conceptions on who an entrepreneur is which at some point left me with the option of researching and consulting some core entrepreneurs and other resources that focuses on entrepreneurship.
If you have at some point paused to ask yourself if actually you are an entrepreneur, the list below can help to point you to the right direction. While the list may not to be the final signs of who an entrepreneur might be, it however points to some features which a would-be entrepreneur might posses.
Let’s run through them:
  1. You greatly value self-reliance (it’s something you really believe in).
  2. You always want to learn from everyone about everything.
  3. You strive for distinction through excellence.
  4. You have tremendous belief, faith and trust in your own abilities.
  5. The passion for entrepreneurship runs deep in your lineage. Your great grand parents, grand parents and parents all worked for themselves. And you grew up with that mentality and want to follow the trend. (This in most cases is not true for every entrepreneur).
  6. You’re determined. You have to make the wrong right. You have to make the impossible possible.
  7. You always refer to Steve Jobs’ quotes and makes references with them as a way of keeping yourself from falling to pieces.
  8. You work on your particular area of interest than working on an alien platform just for monetary benefits.
  9. You are always careful not to get side-tracked from your thought process.
  10. You always watch out for local business news in your area.
  11. You strive to make things better and are willing to take action on it.
  12. You are always very optimistic about everything around you.
  13. You’re a charming and charismatic person.
  14. You always see the cup half full and expect more water to come in.
  15. You enjoy creating and building things and can think of numerous ways to combine existing things and new ones in an exciting manner.
  16. You are a dreamer. Always dreaming of business ideas and investment opportunities in the future. Part of you always feels like it is in the future, and that excites you.
  17. Passion runs deep down your veins. Inside and outside of you. Your passion for what you do keeps you going even when you spend excessive amount of time working without making a dollar.
  18. You hate to take NO for an answer. Not ever.  You may concede but you will never give up, rather you will figure out a way to fit a square block into a round hole.
  19. You like being in charge of your own Success or Failure.
  20. Selling your visions to others is what you find easy doing.
  21. You always think of building business, and not just coming up with ideas.
  22. You always have thoughts of living a life of “freedom from boss” kind of work. Working and being your own boss runs through your head at all time.
  23. You think outside the box because you always want to try things out yourself.
  24. Your business life is a little unpredictable. You rarely give space for people to predict what’s on your mind. You don’t like to live by predictable patterns of life.
  25. You have a competitive nature and are willing to lose. You always know that you can do something better.
  26. You don’t take no for an answer. An entrepreneur never gives up — ever.
  27. You see what others don’t see. For example, you walked into a coffee shop and sees the seats closet to power outlets as the best seats in that coffee shop.
  28.  You surround yourself with quality people — not those capable of talking you down on your business moves.
  29. You are not afraid to leave security for something you believe in.
  30. You always think and believe your visions will come alive.
  31. You don’t work for money alone, but for your business and your name.
  32. You have strong people skills and finds it easy communicating with people.
  33. You are a good listener and see customers as kings.
  34. You embrace technology and give your best to it. In today’s business world, every product or service that has been created must be sharp and precise in terms of technology.
  35. You see working with people as a necessity for a successful business venture.
  36. You see opportunities in every day life. In stores, on television, in the news etc… everything for you is an opportunity.
  37. You like strategy and have an eye for strategic manoeuvres, and nothing is going to beat you.
  38. You always ask yourself  - What can I do now to start changing things for the better?
  39. You dropped out of college like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Matt Mullenweg.
  40. You sign up for every newsletter that comes your way. Before I see this as a waste of time and distraction, but over the years, I’ve come to know that every single newsletter in my inbox if carefully looked into can be utilized. No newsletter is totally useless as long as you sign up on sites of people you see as pros.
  41. You are a ROI motivated person. (ROI means Return On Investment).
  42. You can spend at least 60 hours a week without complaining.
  43. You don’t have problems lying underneath your computer desk and catching a little sleep.
  44. You believe that your time is worth more than money.
  45. You might be an entrepreneur if you sleep like a baby – waking up several times throughout the night worrying how and when they will eat.
  46. You have the attitude of lying  to your doctor about the number of meals you eat, hours you sleep, and times you workout per week to spare yourself the lecture.
  47. The daily commute to your office is from the bedroom to the living room.
  48. You’ve always resisted authority; that’s why you’ve had a problem holding down a job.
  49. You believe so much in marketing that you don’t have problems throwing revenue at it.
  50. You enjoy being with a group but don’t relish much being alone. You probably get most energetic when working with groups of more than four people.
  51. You spend more time with your co-founder than you do with your spouse.
  52. Your definition of light reading includes comparing and contrasting preferred equity and convertible notes.
  53. You feel uncomfortable working for 31 days and waiting for your pay.
  54. Your idea of a holiday is a working day without anything interfering with the tasks you really need to get done.
  55. You get more SMS alerts from people you follow on Twitter than from actual friends listed in your address book.
  56. If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is check your Github
  57. If you go to the bathroom to hide from your girlfriend so you can write some notes down about a killer thought you just had without getting in trouble for interrupting dinner.
  58. You see opportunities everywhere. For example, you walk into a building and are curious about its worth or the companies inside.
  59. If tying a shoe is what you can easily do without struggling. I am sure you are aware not everybody know how to tie a shoe lace?
  60. If you are willing to push through the portion of the journey called the “middle mile” – the place where challenge and drudgery happen.
Do you think you have at least 10 out of 60 of the above traits in you? These traits or features are only signs as I said. Being an entrepreneur is what you will develop over time. It doesn’t just happen immediately, with consistent push into what you believe and love doing, you can easily develop the spirit of entrepreneurship and live it as a lifestyle.
Is this list of 60 signs all that shows if someone might be an entrepreneur? I am certain you have some comments to make on them or probably would like to add yours to the list. So let’s talk about them in comments…

1 comment:

  1. Let us all be creative, entrepreneurs are the future and they are all pacesetters...
