Tuesday 15 April 2014

Confused About Publishing? 3 Tips on Publishing Your Book

Confused About Publishing? 3 Tips on Publishing Your Book

Books!!! We are surrounded by them from the time we open our eyes and they’re the fundamentals of all of our learning. Its quite amazing that someone sat down and made observations about a given topic and then decided to record and reiterate their stories in what we now see as books. Many of us have completed manuscripts that are collecting dust. One of the reasons for this dust collection may be our confusion when we enter the overwhelming world of publishing! Fortunately for us who attended, the Connectnigeria.com Writers’ Conference gave us insight into the world of publishing. Mr. Okechukwu Ofili gave us resourceful and pragmatic advice on publishing since he’s pervaded the world with three published books already! Here are three quick tips on publishing a book that should help you step your foot on the gas, we’re waiting for you.

1. Find an editor

There is probably nothing worse than a published book that is available globally for millions of eyes to see that is full of errors and mistakes. Although many of us would like to claim perfection we are far from it especially when it comes to objectively editing our work. It is always a good idea to get a second perspective especially when it comes to your book. Have a friend, family member or mentor read and positively criticize your work before you proceed to the next phase. If you can get several of trusted people to read it before publishing.

2. Decide if you want to go to a publishing house or self publish

There are several advantages and disadvantages of both being published by a publishing house and self publishing. In terms of being published by a publishing house, sending excerpts of your manuscript can be a tedious process however, it is great if you can get signed as it will be good for exposure and also cut expenses; It is a great accomplishment as a writer. On the other hand, there may be several restrictions, amendments to your work, and also a noticeable minus to your paycheck. If you decide to take this route, find publishing houses that have been successful at publishing books similar to the genre of your manuscript. You can of course start with renowned publishers and then look for local credible ones also.

If you decide to self publish, DO AS MUCH RESEARCH AS POSSIBLE!  There are many benefits in terms of profit if your book does well as well as having complete autonomy over your work. In other instances, it is alot of work and will require you to be very proactive in finding out how to self-publish and the means that will work best for you. It will also be monetarily demanding as it will require you to invest your money. it is advisable that you do not overspend as a result of ignorance, ensure you find the cheapest printers and designers for all of your book requirements. Also, don’t get overtaken and publish one million books. I believe your book is amazing, but start with a few prints and see how they sell. Afterall, this is the online age anyway.

3. Publish your book!

Yes you read right! My last tip is just publish! It is easy to procrastinate as publishing can be a long and stressful process, but there will be no greater joy than seeing all of your hard work and sleepless nights become tangible. There is no greater joy for a writer than knowing his whole world in words is in someone else’s hands.


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