Tuesday 15 April 2014

Do you think world would be more peaceful place to live without any religion ?

Do you think world would be more peaceful place to live without any religion ?

From childhood I have learned and heard one thing from different people, books, religious and spiritual people, teachers etc. that there is only ONE GOD ONE CREATOR. But this question always bugs me, why we have so many religions so many rules to pray the same GOD. Why we sent and still spending billions of dollars in building different religious worship places or performing different ceremonies. I think if we have use that money to help miserable and needy people world we live in today would be better place to live !!
If you look back in human history, I think at any time, with a great regrate I have to say, that we have shed more blood on name of religion and God than anything else.
I think world would be more peaceful place to live if we didn’t have any name for the faith (which we call religion) to believe or pay the God without any name .
I’m not in favour or against of any religion and I defiantly don’t want to hurt anyone’s sentiment.
So, can we all please make sure, while commenting, not to mention any particular religions or God’s name?
My intention is just to discuss and see if whatever I’m saying or believing is right or not.


1 comment:

  1. Let us all embrace peace, at least all our religious bodies say that we should all love one another. So where is the love ???
